First United Methodist Church is buzzing with excitement as we prepare for our annual Project 216 Packing Event. “Project 216 is a non-profit humanitarian food aid organization with the mission to show God’s love by empowering our community to provide highly nutritious food to people suffering from hunger around the world.” This year our focus is to provide food to impoverished children in Haiti. With our collective time and talents, we as a community, can make a tremendous difference in the lives of people all around the world. The event will take place on Saturday, October 5th at The Goedde Building from 9:00am - 11:00am.
Volunteers can sign up ahead of time in the Lobby outside of the Church office or online at Volunteers can also call the office or Jana Thompson (419-289-0631) to sign up as well. Donations are always welcome as well. Suggested donation is $25.00 per family or $15.00 per person. Donations can be given on the day of the event OR ahead of time to the church office. First United Methodist Church thanks everyone wholeheartedly, for their generosity and time.
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 5, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Contact Information
Melody Taylor
Send Email